Research Studies

Updated: March 2017

List of studies on Care Farms for People Living with Dementia

{Includes links to study abstracts)

Compiled by Eilon Caspi Ph.D.

Bruin, S.R. et al. (2015). Green Care Farms: An innovative type of adult day service to stimulate social participation of people with dementia. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Open Access, pages 1-10. Link:

Bruin et al. (2010). The concept of green care farms for older people with dementia: An integrative framework. Dementia, 9(1), 79-128. Link:

Bruin et al. (2009). Day care at green care farms: A novel way to stimulate dietary intake of community-dwelling older people with dementia? The Journal of Nutrition, Health, & Aging, 14(5), 352-357. Link:

Bruin et al. (2009). Green care farms promote activity among elderly people with dementia. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 23, 368-389. Link:

de Boer et al. (2015). Living at the farm, innovative nursing home care for people with dementia – study protocol of an observational longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics, 15, 1-9. [Open Access]

de Boer et al. (2017). Green Care Farms as innovative nursing homes: Promoting activities and social interaction for people with dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18:

Elings, M. Effects of Care Farms: Scientific research on the benefits of care farms for clients (pages 34-37 under: Older people with dementia). Plant research international. Wageningen, UR. Link:

Hassink et al. (2010). Care farms in the Netherlands: Attractive empowerment-oriented and strengths-based practices in the community. Health & Place, 16, 423-430. Link:

Schols & van der Schriek-van Meel (2006). Day care for demented elderly in a dairy farm setting: Positive first impressions. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 7, 456-459. Link: